Information on dairy performance recording captured in INTERGIS traditionally addresses the demands in herd production tendencies, milk composition and quality, as well as production efficiency. Recently, the intensive production systems in the dairy industry demand creative, dynamic and interactive reports to ensure economic sustainability in the dairy enterprise. As a result, the emphasis in reporting has shifted from the phenotypic performances of individual cows used in genetic evaluation programs, to focussing more on information regarding the relationship between phenotypic values, health traits and nutritional requirements. To that effect, amongst others, it was necessary to develop more applicable and advanced functionalities in the management program, to assist the dairy farmer in management decisions which will improve cow efficiency.
The major general problem of involuntary culling due to udder health has an enormous influence on longevity. With the emphasis on health traits and nutritional needs and deficiencies in the new programme, individual cows and/or groups of cows can now be identified easily for early intervention and adjustment to enhance efficiency and productivity. An important and useful associative development revolves around the evaluation of groups of animals within similar health and/or feeding treatment in the herd. Trends for specific traits can be included in a range of graphs for certain periods based on years, months or seasons. Problem areas and production periods can be identified and properly planned for in future. The resulting report offers the opportunity for animal scientists, feed consultants, veterinarians and extension officers to assist dairy farmers on aspects that influence herd efficiency and productivity.
Comment: It appears that this programme is much more functional to the requirements of modern dairy systems. This should be further exploited with data from automated and other intensive systems especially economic parameters.
J. du Toit, G. Buchanan & M.J. Viljoen, 2015. The application of advanced interactive Livestock Management Reports in INTERGIS, based on official milk performance recording. Proc. of the 48th SASAS Congress, 21-23 September 2015, Empangeni.