Dairy Regulations & Standards

The project relates to dairy technical issues, regulations and standards and encompasses industry involvement regarding:

  • Deliberation of industry regulations relating to food safety, product composition, metrological and related standards, as well as voluntary industry related standards such as animal welfare and related matters.
  • Liaison with industry and statutory bodies in terms of draft, promulgated and repealed legislation and effective communication through the Milk SA organizational structures.
  • Liaison and consultation on an internal and external basis and comment within specified time frames via Milk SA organizational structures.
  • Report to the dairy industry via Milk SA structures.

The organized dairy industry acknowledges the importance of compliance with the law and related standards (national and international) as it pertains to the dairy value chain. The regulatory environment relating to milk and other dairy products is of a multi-dimensional nature and involves regulations relating to product composition, food safety, animal health, animal feed, milking parlours, and the transportation of milk, processing plants, storage and related matters such as environmental management and export requirements.

Publication of voluntary standards known as South African National Standards - compiled by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) - is subject to public participation and is also considered as an integral part of the function of this Committee. The participation in the African Organization for Standardization (ARSO) technical committee namely the ARSO/TC 04 -
Milk and Milk Products, primarily deals with the harmonization of dairy standards on the African continent and to which the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) TC 034/SC05, Milk and Milk Products, is linked.

Effective communication of regulations and standards and aspects relating to the enforcement thereof is essential, as the dairy industry is required to be fully conversant with current and proposed changes to legislation and voluntary standards on a continual basis. To assist in this regard, the activities of the project are executed according to the Project Plan which is
subject to review on an annual basis.

Information on dairy legislation and other relevant information is available at www.dairystandard.co.za.


Project Manager: 

Jompie Burger

Jompie Burger